The following steps can be used to pin nodes in RAC.
Pinning a node means that the association of a node name with a node number is fixed. If a node is not pinned,node number may change if the lease expires while it is down. The lease of a pinned node never expires.
To find whether a node in a cluster is pinned,use the olsnodes command.
[grid@raclinux1 stage10g]$ olsnodes -t
raclinux1 Unpinned
raclinux2 Unpinned
Use the pin command to pin the nodes
[root@raclinux1 bin]# ./crsctl pin css -n raclinux1
CRS-4664: Node raclinux1 successfully pinned.
[root@raclinux1 bin]#
[root@raclinux2 bin]# ./crsctl pin css -n raclinux2
CRS-4664: Node raclinux2 successfully pinned.
[root@raclinux2 bin]#
[grid@raclinux1 stage10g]$ olsnodes -t
raclinux1 Pinned
raclinux2 Pinned
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